My house is GORGEOUS! (Although of course still messy). The process was:
1. Ready to start

2. Sam helping Travis (Laura's boyfriend) do the installation

3. Add some paint

4. Ready for a princess

Sofia couldn't wait to mop...

We actually have the Dining Room table IN the Dining Room. First time in years!!!
Seders were lovely. Simple - only my inlaws, Laura and Lilie and Travis, and on second night, my friend N and her kids.

Sunday of Passover, we went down to visit my parents, joined by my sister and her family. It was a lovely day, and the kids had fun outside.
My Sam:

David and Micah (sharing a hair style...)

Micah in action:

Sofia had fun putting flowers in muy hair, and then I had a crack at hers:

Eying Daddy's hair, too...

The boys were off for Passover, so we left Sam with my parents for a few days. Sofia had school, so I got some one-on-one time with Micah. He had a few nice playdates, with other day-school or home schooled boys. His friends are all adorable, and all look alike. Very sweet.
My folks brought Sam back on Thursday, and my mother and I went shopping for curtain patterns. She's offered to make the curtains for the living room and dining room. We found a pattern, but ran out of time for selecting fabric.
Nice Shabbat with D&E and their girls, first time in a long time. Went to shul with Nicki and the kids in the morning - it was not only Yiskor (the Memorial service at the end of Passover) but also Peter's Yartzeit (anniversary of death). I can't believe it's been a whole year already.
Laura ordered a dress for Sofia's birthday, and it arrived Saturday. She promptly put it on (complete with rain boots) and started beating up the bushes in the front yard. My delicate flower...

Yesterday, Sofia went to a birthday party for one of her classmates. It was all the girl from the class, and they were just so darn cute!

I love how close they all are. And VERY girlie!
Today was the Boston Marathon. We tried sitting outside, but it was just too darn hot, so we went up to watch from the wonderful view in David's office:

I've had a migraine for the past several days, so it was good to keep cool. This afternoon my neighbors hosted a barbeque. It was fun to get together. I wish David didn't have to work. The boys stayed late, but Sofia and I came home after a few hours so she could watch a princess movie.
The boys watch The Matrix last night, and now they are watching the second movie. Not my favorite - I don't love the violence, although I do find the SciFi concept interesting.
Sofia's on vacation this week, but the boys are back to school tomorrow. i have to teach first thing, so I'll bring the laptop and let Sofia watch a movie while I'm teaching. Hopefully it'll work...
Nar Mitzvahs keep coming along. The first one, my student/neighbor, was a couple of weeks ago, and went great. He did really well, although no one could hear him because the microphone did not reach to the Torah. I have another one this Sunday, and my other student is doing great. I'll miss hers, though, because it's the same time as my nieces' B'not Mitzvah.
I think I got a photographer for Sam's - waiting for confirmation that the guy is available both Friday and Sunday. The Cantor gave us permission to take formals on Friday before services, since Shabbat doesn't start until really late.