Yeah, yeah, I skipped July this year. Which was just as well. The short summary: Sam hurt his toe at camp (playing Frisbee barefoot) and had to go to the ER on the first Sunday of camp for an x-ray. Just a sprain, but they had been worried it was on the growth plate.
July 3, I was watching Sofia at the pool, looked at my leg and saw a huge "bullseye" - sure sign of a Lyme tick. Doctor didn't even give me a blood test, just three weeks of antibiotics.
Micah got a horrible sunburn when we went up to Maine on July 14 to play with our friends at the beach. We had to pull him out of second session of camp, and he had 2nd degree burns, oozing and painful, on both arms. Bandages from shoulder to elbow on both sides. Plus sun poisoning, so lots of sleeping. Poor baby.
And my parents went to NYC to celebrate my dad's 75th birthday, but while they were there my dad suddenly got a case of Bell's Palsey, making his whole face droop. After 6 hours in the ER in the city, to make sure it wasn't a stroke, they came home. He's getting better, but Mom says his mouth is still drooped.
Add to the the 10 days of 92+ degree weather and horrible humidity, and the fact that David was back in Costa Rica (again) for most of it. Skip July.
Now let's get on with VACATION! Here's Day 1 of my Journal:
Of course the pre-travel “what did I forget to do” worry kept me up waaaaayyyyy too late. David (and Sofia) and I watched the last three episodes of “Heroes” (I just went through the entire series), and they fell asleep. I did not. I ended up sort of sleeping in her room (since she was firmly planted in our bed), but I kept waking every half hour.
So I was up before the 4am alarm. Shower, dress, get the kids up, get the bags closed, make lots of hot cocoa (to use up the last of the milk). Steve The Limo Guy is always early, and at 4:40 I spotted him at the foot of the driveway. David was busy turning off every breaker and water valve in the house, like a maniac. We finally pulled away at 5:02.
Sofia loves her new wheelchair. It’s purple, of course. She sat so nicely at the airport. And the kids did not have to take off their shoes, which was fabulous. We got through security and settled in to wait for the flight.
We were the first to board, thanks to both the wheelchair and David’s Priority Club status. Row 10, seats A through E, on all flights, so that keeps things simple. Of course, Sam was stressed about flight rules, and was really bothered by Sofia (who was sitting next to him on the first leg). Fortunately, Sofia and I slept most of the way to Chicago. Unfortunately, she did not sleep again the rest of the day (although I caught about 20 minutes on the second flight). Micah slept 3 hours on the second flight, next to Sofia. Sam only slept about 10 minutes, which made this evening more problematic than needed.
But we made it to Portland before 1pm. Sofia and I went to get the car while the boys got the luggage. Smaller car than I hoped, a Hyundai Genesis, but we (barely) managed to fit everything and everyone inside. Got to the hotel, in Jantzen Beach, too early to check in, so we drove down to the marina and had a really nice lunch on the water. GREAT salmon burgers, and a yummy Bahama Mama for me. After we ate, we walked by the yachts, which was fun (except that Sofia wanted to get on and take a ride).
Came back to the hotel, and was told that there was still 13 minutes until check-in! (Hospitality Fail). So did a quick run to Target for Sofia’s pull-ups, and then we managed to check in. Oxford Suites. We got a larger corner room on the 3rd floor, 2 queen beds and a sofa. Plenty of room for all.
David passed out, and I took Sofia down to the pool, which was tiny but nice and refreshing. She swims like a little fishy now, and loves to jump in. Unfortunately, she refuses to wear goggles, so her eyes end up completely red, but it doesn’t bother her as much as it bothers me to look at her.
She and I came back to room, but then the boys wanted to go back, so we went with them. Stayed poolside (it’s indoors) for most of the next hour. Then up for showers.
It was “early” local time (like 4:30ish), so we drove in to the city, to Washington Park. First we went to the Japanese Garden, which was so lovely and peaceful (except for Sofia wanting to throw rocks into the water or walk where she shouldn’t walk). Then we went to the International Rose Test Garden, which was just breathtakingly lovely. and in the distance, Mount Hood is framed between the trees, large and imposing over the city.
We were there several hours, and finished our trip to the park with a stop at the Holocaust Memorial (which was haunting and beautiful). Then back to the hotel for a quick bite to eat and everyone to bed.
Except me, blogging and downloading pictures, of course! And too warm - I must be getting hot flashes, because the rest of them are complaining how cold they are, and I’m sweltering.
So here are the best pics of the day, taken by me, Sofia, or Micah:
Kids in the pool
Chillin' at lunch
Japanese Garden (in case you can't read the brochure!)
Mt. Hood in the background
Sofia and Daddy
Sofia and Mommy
Yes, all five of us in a photo! Not terrible...
The astonishingly lovely roses
Stop and Smell The Roses
Our Boys
Catchin' a ride on Daddy (Washington Park is mostly not particularly wheelchair accessible, so we left the chair in the car).
The Holocaust Memorial
It's 1:19 am at home. I've been mostly awake for 22 hours...
5 months ago