Today was really crazy. After I dropped off the boys (David took Sofia), I ran some errands and then went to get my haircut. Then back to the mall to pick up my computer, then picked up Sofia at school. At home, more prepping for the trip...including attempting to confirm our reservations.
Oy, was that a mistake. Then followed about 5 hours of frantic phone calls to:
- the Intercontinental Hotel worldwide reservations line
- the agency we booked through
- the travel wholesaler they booked through
- my friend who is a travel agent (yes, I SHOULD have booked through her!)
- the hotel in Tahiti directly
Upshot is that there is a glitch in the reservation system, and the number that looked like a cancellation number to the Internet reservations groups is actually a reservation number to the hotel. So we are indeed booked...whew. But boy, was that a tense afternoon!
David just gave me my anniversary present, incredibly beautiful diamond earings.
I'm almost done packing. Need to run a few errands tomorrow, and get my toes done.
And there's not really any useful Internet access on the islands, just dial-up, so I will be off line for the next 2 weeks. So here, for your amusement, are a few pictures of my kiddos...

Best wishes to everyone recovering from whatever they are recovering from, dry thoughts heading out to friends in flooded areas, calming thoughts to all those facing the end of school, and peaceful summertime thoughts to all.