Whew, what a long - but very fun - weekend.
It started Friday morning. I dropped the kids at school, finished packing, and went to catch the train into Boston, where I was supposed to pick up the rental car. And at the train station, I realized that my driver's license had expired. A month ago.
Ok. Take the train to Boston, and first walk to the Boston DMV. And wait, an hour and a half. Which was fine, since I got a blinding migraine, so that was enough time for the aura to dissipate so I could see.
Chatted with nice people, made quick calls to have friends pick up kids from school, and finally got my license renewed. Then walked back across town to pick up the car. Got back home before 4pm. Whew.
David didn't get home until after 6:30, and we didn't leave until 9:15. I had planned to take the first shift, but by that late I was starting to fall asleep, so he drove. Most of the night. He takes a 5-hour energy drink and just goes.
So I slept, and at 5:30, in Virginia, he woke me up to switch places. I drove a couple of hours, then we stopped for bathroom and breakfast, then more driving, until we got to South of the Border, which is literally just south of the border from NC to SC.
We spent about an hour there, walking around, eating ice cream and trying on funny hats:

(We almost bought that one, but it was expensive and not great quality.).
However, we DID buy the fez ("Fezzes are Cool" according to Dr. Who), and the pink thing. Not the spiky neon wig:

We got to Melbourne FL before 7pm, which was way earlier than I'd expected. Other than the hour at SOB, we realy only did pit-stops. I drove about 6 hours, David did all the rest.
Showered, and then went over to see Mike & Tracy and their kids. Mike has been a friend since junior high, and I went to their wedding, but our families really knitted together when Sofia and their youngest daughter were both born with Down syndrome!
Saturday night, the older kids (daughters are 13 and 10, perfect to hang out with my boys) kind of circled each other, not really knowing what to do. But by Sunday, they melded into a Pack, collecting other neighborhood kids and roaming the area all day. It was wonderful.

Sunday, first we went to the beach for a while:

After swimming and surfing in the icy cold water, they started digging.

Then we went back to the house, since it started to rain. Like most Florida homes, they have a screened in back porch with a pool - which was also icy cold. Sofia insisted on swimming, but was shaking like a leaf and turning quite an alarming shade of purple...

It was fun to watch the "David Relaxes" progress...
Upon arrival Sunday Morning:

Not fully relaxed yet, but getting there:

Aha, now he's relaxed:

The two little girls spent most of their time indoors, fighting over dolls and movies.

We were at the house until nearly 11pm.

Monday, we had thought to do some activities, but forgot it was a holiday and everyone else would be trying to do the same activities. So mostly more hanging out. We took the kids to a large park - David and Mike took the older kids for a hike while Tracy and I watched the little girls on the playground.
It was sad to say goodby, but so much fun to see them - we can't wait for the next chance!

We got down to Hallendale, where David's grandparents' apartment is, by 7pm again. Had great Israeli food - shwarma, felafel, etc. Today, we drove up to see my grandma, and we are sitting poolside. Water is MUCH warmer!