Today, I am thankful for my big comfy chair in the family room, where I can sit and work on my new laptop while my children lean all over me. I don't intend to do much more than this today.
It's been a busy but nice weekend. Wednesday, I picked Sofia up early so I could pick the boys up in time (all got out at 11:30). We went out to lunch with a few other families, which was of course fun, and then Sam went to his friend's house for a few hours while I took Sofia to gymnastics and hung out with Micah. Not much in the evening.
Thursday, we watched the parade on TV while we packed up to go to CT. The ride was really fast, hardly any traffic at noon. So we got to my sister's house fairly early. The kids had a blast playing with my sister's twins, and when my cousins arrived (P is 32, the big twins are 20), they had even more fun. There were 23 people in all, including my brother-in-law's sister and her husband. It was great to see them; I have not seen them in many years.
The boys slept over at my sister's house, while David and Sofia and I went pack to my parent's house. Had breakfast waaay too late, as normal for my parents, then raced to The Crown (the big kosher market in West Hartford) to pick up stuff and then go get the boys.
Got home around 3:00, and company arrived at 4:00. Our friends from the Worcester area (David went to elementary school with the dad), and then a little later our neighbors. Had a nice time. The combination worked out well for the kids - Sam and his friend from across the street played cards quietly, while Micah and J were rowdy in another room, and the two big girls went upstairs to play a board game. Sofia was tired and attached to my lap most of the night. We got pizza and just relaxed.
After they left, however, I had to start cooking. Made meatballs that night.
Got up and out by 7:30 to go grocery shopping Saturday morning. Then the cooking began. "Second-sitting" Thanksgiving at our house, for David's family. His parents, his sister with Lilie and T, and cousin H and her family, along with our dear friend Roz.
I cooked up a storm. Turkey, London Broil, meatballs, mashed potato, sweet potato, stuffinf, green beans, salad, cranberry sauce. Plus my crustless pumpkin pie and the regular pie my MIL brought, and fruit and 7 layer cake from Crown and mandel bread. Not to mention all the munchies I'd put out for the afternoon. Unfortunately, the traffic from CT was terrible, so they all arrived much later than expected, so I still have munchies mostly uneaten. And a lot of leftovers, but everyone enjoyed the meal.
The kids were adorable. Lilie and Ian both just turned 2, and are both quite good at trashing the toy room (Sofia did her fair share of trashing, too). Micah taught 6 year old Alex how to play Yugio cards, and then Micah and Sam cornered Laura's boyfriend into playing all sorts of card games with them.
It was a nice evening. It felt like it was much later, but I was in bed before 11pm (while David drove Roz home). And everything was washed! Cousin's hubby washed the big stuff and loaded up the dishwasher, which was done before I went to bed. So this morning I do NOT have to face dishes! Yeah!
So today I really just want to sit in my chair and read or work on my papers for school or prep for the gala. Micah has a friend coming over in 45 minutes, so I shoudl probably put on some clothing, but that's about it.
5 months ago