Yeah. Last week was tough. I couldn't sleep most nights, which then meant naps every day, which promoted the cycle of not sleeping at night. And the weather did NOT help. Between allergies and migraines - UGH!
Thursday night was Science Fair, also known as my least favorite event of the school year. After the fair, nearly EVERYONE went out for a fundraiser at Papa Gino's. Very loud, but they all had fun.
Friday night I brought dinner over to Nicki's house, for me and my kids, Nicki and her kids, and Peter's father. We actually had a nice time, and it was a pleasure to be able to laugh with them. Life has to go on.
Saturday, I drove down to CT for cousin Heather's birthday party. My three kids all sat in the back seat, watching a movie on my laptop. They were very very cute. But it was a brutally long ride, three and a half hours (with a couple of stops). Friday's dinner had spilled a bit on the car rug, so we had to stop and get some rug cleaner (a minivan stinking of poached fish on a warm day is NOT fun!), and then of course Micah and I were allergic to the rug cleaner.
Anyway, had a nice time at Heather's house, despite the wind and occasional rain. I took a little rest in my car for a while. The kids had fun, and it was nice to see David's parents and sister, too.
Meanwhile, David was supposed to be flying home from Israel. However, Thursday the Tel Aviv airport was closed (due to some tainted fuel), so everything was delayed. His plane had to stop in Cyprus to refuel, and then again in Halifax. So he did not get to Toronto until after 10pm, missing the Boston flight until morning.
Since I was so exhausted, and he wasn't coming home that night, we drove up to my parents' house to sleep over. Took back roads, very pretty ride. And it was nice to see the West side of Bristol for a change. I also warned the boys that if they repeated the miserable behavior they had exhibited when we were there for Passover weekend, they would be walking home. They were complete angels.
Left my folks around 10am, and got home just after David. Spent several hours helping Sam make a model of Bucharest's Choral Synagogue for his Hebrew project. It came out really good. We are much better at creative projects than science projects!
We went for an early Mother's Day dinner, and were home by 6:30. Then I had to go back out again for a music rehearsal - we have an adult choir singing at the event this Thursday.
What event? Oh, the event to honor our out-going Head of School, Carolyn Keller. I (of course) am on the committee, responsible for all the creative aspects: designed the invitation, did the program, made a video, and putting together a surprise (CK, if by some chance you are reading this, PLEASE STOP NOW - SPOILERS!)
It is amazing how last-minute everyone really is. The pages were "due" April 29. I already know from phone calls and emails that I will still be collecting pages tomorrow.
So yesterday morning we did a sound check, and then I went to Nicki's house to have lunch and help her get her bills organized. Got her set up with my favorite utility - 1Password - and got the company to help her out with the license. Always pays to ask for help!
I had a checkup yesterday - turns out I have gotten TALLER! I had a sitter pick up Micah and take him to a make-up gymnastics class, and Sam got a ride home (although I had to pick him up at the high school auditorium, where they were having T's dance school dress rehearsal. Sam was soooo embarrassed to be stuck in the room with all these girls!). Picked up Sofia, met Micah and the sitter half-way to Tae Kwan Do, and off we went.
After TKD, stopped at Trader Joes to get some kosher meat - Micah and I were craving steak, but they only had "stew meat". Micah picked out a whole bunch of possible lunch entrees - he is a very picky eater, but is hungry at the end of school, so we need to figure out what else to pack. Sofia insisted on joining us in "Jerry Joe's" while Sam stayed in the car. While we were in the store, "Dancing Queen" was played on the speakers. Sofia knows all the words!
So this morning, after we dropped off the boys, Sofia and I were rocking out to the soundtrack from Mamma Mia (while I drank my latte from a Take-n-Toss sippy cup!).
Anyway, the boys and I didn't eat dinner last night until after 8pm, but it was awesome. Stew meat, browned in oil and garlic. Added spinach, garlic chives, red wine, a chopped tomato, and some water, salt and pepper. Boil first, then cook off some liquid. YUM! Combined with mashed sweet potatoes, and edamame. (Sofia had "hummus & chips" for dinner, and was asleep before we ate).
Yes, even when David is "home", he frequently misses meals with us. Monday at least he came home for dinner, but then went back to the office until after 10pm. Last night he got together with a dear friend, which was good. He always has fun with this guy. Hopefully we'll get to see him tonight. Then he's off to Tampa tomorrow morning ;(
So I'm going back to Nicki's house tomorrow morning, then setting up for the event (it's being held at one of the local synagogues). I have a sitter staying home with Sofia, so at least I won't have to chase her around, and Micah will get a ride from gymnastics.
4 months ago
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