We made it through last week without too much trauma. I had no voice most of the week, and felt horrible for several days. Finally saw my own doc, who said the laryngitis would just have to take care of itself, but gave me antibiotics for my infected ears. Whew. That helped A LOT!
Sofia showed the after-effects of the apparently VERY strong steroid they gave her in the ER. Days of bounciness! She was a wild woman. But at least she got better.
Micah continued a downward spiral until the weekend. Now he's going to miss at least three days of school this week due not only to The Cough, but also a high fever that he just can't seem to shake without meds. Poor boy is miserable, and bored.
David and I went to NYC for the weekend, leaving our children home with Laura and Lilie. Unfortunately, most of the weekend, Laura and Micah were sick, so they didn't do much of anything, but the girls had a blast. And Sam used up his yearly quota of nurturing - it's REALLY not his strong suite!
So Micah's been home for two days, continuing tomorrow. He's so tired and achy. Popping between freezing and boiling. And freezing when it's 80+ degrees out!
Sofia's MWJDS aide was also out sick yesterday, so she missed MWJDS - I wasn't going to leave Micah home all afternoon while I acted as her aide.
We had a nice time in NYC, despite the trillions of drunken green people celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Oy! We saw "Avenue Q", which was hysterical, met my friend R for Sunday brunch, and otherwise just relaxed and walked around.
Gearing up for all the b'nai mitzvah - one student has less than two weeks to go, another has 6 weeks. The other one I'm officiating at is in a month. And Sam's is 3 months from last Friday!!! I solved the table decorations dilemma that was keeping me awake last week (don't know why it was). Bought 35 plastic bins at Christmas Tree Shop and spray painted them metallic silver. Will fill with art supplies to donate somewhere.
Gorgeous weather the past couple of days. Today I also rented a truck (oh yeah, I drive a pick-em-up-truck!) and picked up all the flooring, so T can come up this weekend and put hardwood floors in place of the horrid stained pink carpet. YEAH! Also had a painter come for an estimate...but have not heard back from him... Hmmm...
5 months ago