Whew! Made it through another week. The weekend was low-key. Sam had a birthday party all Saturday afternoon, so the other kids and I just hung out. I actually got Sofia bathed and into pjs before packing them into the car to go pick up their brother.
Sunday morning Sam had yet another birthday party, and I took the others to the pool. Miss Sofia is a maniac at the pool. Every two minutes, she wants to "change stairs" from one side of the pool to the other. Makes it sort of difficult to have a coherent conversation!
Picked up Sam, and did last minute shopping. He and I both had bad headaches, so we both napped a bit in the afternoon, which helped.
Monday was crazy-lady day. I took my three kids, plus three others - had kids ages 13, 12 10, 9, 8 and 6 - to Hopkinton State Park. There is a small beach there on the lake. They all had a blast. Sofia swam like a fish, we could barely get her out of the water. The other girl (age 8) helped me with her, and occasionally the two girls sat on the beach digging in the sand. Sofia has talked about it all week. The four boys, meanwhile, were very very busy looking for fish and tadpoles.
Totally forgot I had signed up Sofia for gymnastics camp that afternoon; did not remember until Wednesday morning! But it was a nice day.
And David came home that night!!!!!
Tuesday was the big day, taking Sam to camp. He and his best friend Max have the beds right next to each other again, and two of their friends from last year are on the bunks above them. And they are in a brand new cabin, to make up for being in the very oldest (and most decrepit) last year. Cushy.
We got the boys unpacked (four sets of adults yelling "Please pay attention for a moment" while four boys paid us no attention whatsoever), and then they all took off. Sofia, who at first was very excited to "Play, Girls, Friends!", became nervous that we would all be staying again (like we did for Family Camp last month), so she shut down. "Home. Home. Home."
So we went home. The first round of pictures posted were the bunk photos, and Sam looked absolutely miserable, but today there was a gorgeous smile on his face.
Micah was in seventh heaven Tuesday night, having me and David all to himself (once Sofia was asleep). But first thing Wednesday morning: "I'm Bored."
So I took him and Sofia to a friend's house, where they both had friends to play with. And thankfully the nanny was willing to watch my kids while I went to the day school for another meeting.
We are still making progress. It looks as if we are creating a new model. Not full-day day school. Not synagogue religious school. Rather, the plan is that Sofia will got most of her time to public school, but come two afternoons each week to MWJDS to be part of the classroom. The two major goals are Judaics and Socialization. The Learning Specialist would be her dedicated aide while she is there.
It's scary to pioneer. This is a new model. But at least we are talking about kindergarten now. We can't mess her up too badly if this doesn't work, right?!
Meanwhile, I would have to put her in the "breakfast bunch" at public school so I could get the boys to school on time, but I would also probably be teaching tefillah (prayer) a couple of mornings each week. Which is VERY exciting!
OH! And I am officially teaching my first graduate course right now! It's only two weeks, and I'm doing three out of the five Units. I think I'm mostly done writing them; my co-teacher/mentor is reviewing them now.
(Just got a lovely email from the incoming MWJDS kindergarten teacher. Looking forward to this!).
Today I had to take Micah to his allergy check-up first thing (8am). Which was not a problem, thanks to the birds. We have the windows open because the weather is so lovely, and at about 4:30 the birds had some sort of music festival outside our window!
After allergist, stopped at the bookstore for a while, and then home to get the kids packed up for the weekend. Then I drove out to Old Sturbridge Village. We only had about an hour and a half there, but it was fun. Sofia kept wanting to stay, first in the Children's Play Area, then petting sheep, so we had to drag her along a bit, but eventually we got to ride on a horse-drawn cart, which was heaven in her eyes. She was SOOO HAPPY.
My folks met us in the parking lot, and took both kids back to their house. I go tthe most beautiful hug from Sofia. She had this beautiful look on her face, very peaceful, with her eyes closed, and she hugged me for a full minute. I wonder what she was thinking.
So now we are CHILD-FREE!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!
Tomorrow we are going to our friends' house in Maine for the beginning of Adult Weekend, but Saturday afternoon we have to drive down, pick up the kids, and head to my friend's house in NJ. Sunday morning we have a family Bar Mitzvah in Paramus. Then hang with my friend until Monday, then drop David at the airport because he has to go BACK to Israel again! So I'll have to drive us back home on my own on Monday night. Ugh.
ANd then they both start camp on Tuesday. YEAH!!!!!
Happy Fourth of July Weekend.
5 months ago