Ok, seriously, I promise I'll update more often. September sort of got away from me.
The week of the 19th is just a blur. Very busy, still getting used to schedules. David was actually home all week, and we got to go "out" two nights - both for school events, but still, "out" without children! That Wednesday was a total rush - I had to help with Whimsical Wednesdays (the preschool program at the day school), then have a Team meeting for Sofia, then go get her, bring her back, teach Micah's class, teach another class, pick up kids, take boys to gymnastics, Sofia to her gymnastics, come home and teach my two B'nai mitzvah students! WHEW!
On the 24th we went down to CT. Dropped the kids with my in-laws, who took them to a football game at Central CT, while David and I went to the accountant to do our taxes (yes, in October!). Them met back up with in-laws for kid exchange and early dinner.
Sunday, Sam went on the USY Boat Cruise (and had a lot of fun) and Micah went to a birthday party (and had a lot of fun) and Sofia went to a different birthday party (and had a lot of fun)! Micah and his "gang" from shul all stayed later at the party and played ...um...it was some combination of soccer and US Football. Not quite sure what they were playing, but they were all filthy and drenched with sweat. Lovely. But so happy.
But the next morning, Sam was sick again. Pediatrician put both boys on a second round of antibiotics (Micah's cough was already going into its third week, and Sam was absolutely no better after 10 days of zithromax). Unfortunately for Micah, he's allergic to Penicillin and can't swallow pills (and doesn't weigh very much anyway), so he has to take liquid meds. He's VERY sensitive to flavors, so I have them really strongly "grape" anything, but he still hates the taste.
Fortunately, the meds made both of them better for the rest of the week (although Sam's sick again today! Fever, aches, etc. UGH!).
Wednesday we celebrated Tashlich with the day school community. It's one of the best yearly activities. We all gather at school, and then walk down the street to the park, where there is a river. We reflect on the past year, and the kids write down their wishes for the coming year. ALWAYS the weather is great!
After Taslich, it was an early release day. The 7th graders all walked down to the local pizza place (we're trying to give them some more independence), while 5 or 6 mommies took about 20 kids (lots of extras) to Panera for lunch. It was fun. I drove 4 kids to Panera, got rid of one, picked up Sam and M, so I brought my two and two extras home (after driving M home). The two who came over are siblings, and their mom came for Rosh Hashanah dinner that night. It was nice to have company for the holiday, even if it was a last minute plan.
We didn't go to services at night, since they didn't start until 8pm, but we were there bright and early the next morning. This was my first time going the whole holiday as a congregant in a very long time. Mostly I liked it, although I miss singing. We sit in the Tent - there are 900 people in Sanctuary/Social Hall, and "only" about 400 in the tent, many of us the Shabbat regulars. It was nice. I really love my Temple Israel "family".
I hate going to Childrens' Service with Sofia, but David and I took turns, which was ok. I also got a last minute shofar-blowing assignment; I'm not satisfied with how I did, but I guess it was ok.
After services, our friend K and his 4 kids came over (wife home recuperating from knee surgery). Good to see him. I made brisket and chicken and soup and things like that. Laura and Lilie arrived a little later in the afternoon, and we all collapsed into naps - the weather was very overcast all day, which does not make it easy to wake up! Missed the real Tashlich service, but that's ok, since it monsooned during that time anyway.
Friday services were fun. I love watching Sofia and Lilie together. They love being together, and they get along better than friends, more like siblings who aren't fighting. It's sweet. They hold hands, they consult with each other, they play together, they copy each other. Since the tent was even less crowded on Friday, the girls sat nicely with us in services until it was time for Laura to take them upstairs for the Childrens' Service. Sofia, on both days, did a lot of dancing during services. I especially liked her Dance Interpretation of the Shema.
Sam wore his suit both days, and looked SO handsome. I wasn't the only one who thought so - he was generally flanked by several young ladies from USY. Sweet. He helped lead Ashrei on Friday with other 6&7th graders. Micah, meanwhile, ran around with his gang most of the time. I know they did go to their age service, but I frequently spotted them outside, too. I'm just glad they are so comfortable there, and I am comfortable letting them be on their own.
We went to our friends' house for our annual lunch, and had a wonderful time as always. Got home around 5, and at 6 another set of friends came over to celebrate Shabbat (VERY light dinner - gefilte fish and soup only!).
Saturday, we went with my friend N and her kids up to Salem, to the Peabody Essex Museum and then walking around Salem. Fun. And yesterday we went to the Big E, in Springfield. Also fun! I'm SO tired now!
I promise more pictures and more stories about the weekend, but I need to go get Sofia from public and bring her to the day school!
4 months ago
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