Yes, I've been silent on the blog all week. So sorry. It's just been busy but fairly unexciting all week.
A week ago Saturday, went to shul in the morning. David and Sam were upstairs for the Family Service (aka Religious School Service, but day school families are allowed to attend, too). Micah sat in the hallway reading a book all morning. At one point, a gentleman who volunteers at school took a break from ushering to sit and listen to Micah read aloud. I got to go into services with Sofia (since there was no babysitting). We made it through for a while, but both the incoming and outgoing presidents chased her off the bimah at various points, which still has me angry. After services, we stayed for lunch and chatting with friends for a while.
Nothing much the rest of the day. I know we stayed home and relaxed, studied Torah readings a bit for A's upcoming Bar Mitzvah (Sammy and David and I all will read!), and relaxed.
Sunday, Mother's Day, I was "allowed" to sleep late, and then I got breakfast in bed (accompanied by Sofia sitting right in front of me begging for food). Then David and Sam went to the office for a few hours, so I spent time on the yearbook while the little ones played or watched TV. In the evening, our favorite Sushi & Tepanyaki restaurant.
Sofia had a dentist appointment first thing Monday morning, which was ok except I have to figure out how to floss her teeth more - UGH!). Nothing much int he afternoon. I really had a lot of yearbook work to do.
Tuesday was fun. Micah's class had a field trip to a textile recycling plant near Worcester, where one of the moms works. It was waaaay cooool. Fascinating process and planning. For every 1000 lb of cloth in the machine, there is only 45lb of waste dust, and even that is starting to be used by some companies. Tremendous learning experience for the kids.
Since E picked Sofia up from school, I found myself with 2 free hours between field trip and picking up the boys. Just walked around, finally got a wedding gift for L&K. Afternoon was the usual Tuesday extravaganza of piano and Tae Kwan Do. Sam went to the early class, so we could get to the Lag B'Omer picnic at school. That was fun. Weather turned out nice, and the grounds at "the property" (10 acres where we will be building a permanent home for the school) are gorgeous. I'm a little sorry Sofia and E missed it, but we decided it would be too crazy for her there.
Wednesday morning after drop-off my yearboook co-editor came over to go through the book with me. It's almost done! After lunch, we had Sam's Team meeting at school, in prep for this week's IEP meeting with the public school. Poor boy. He's really losing it to stress, but fortunately he's holding it together fairly well during school. But he needs waaay more tutoring and help. It'll be interesting this week.
Sofia puttered around the room during the meeting, and was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as we got int the car. We did a lot of playground time this week, too, both before and after school. In the mornings, there are 4 younger siblings (including Sofia) who play on the playground until preschool starts. It's fun to watch them, because they really all play together nicely now.
Thursday, boring. Our neighbor the plumber came by in the morning to change the anode tube on the water heater. The boys had their dentist appointments after school. At night, however, was the fun part. David and I went to see the Star Trek movie! Yeah!!! It was excellent. I want to see it again.
Friday was prep for my last ECEC dinner at shul, so I borrowed a friend's BJs card and did my errands, chatted with the shul custodian, and tried to take it easy. Micah's class did a presentation about the textile recycling at the Shabbat celebration. Playground for an hour.
Dinner was ok. David and Sam ended up going to Sam's friend's dance recital, so it was just me and the little ones. Micah was very very helpful and sweet and well-behaved (partly because none of his friends were there). Sofia was tired but bouncy. It was an ok evening. Nothing special.
Yesterday I was soooo tired in the morning, I went back to bed for an hour after feeding Sofia. So no shul. We had to go drop used bikes off in Sherborn at a bike drive (, so then we had breakfast in Natick and spent a few hours on the Commons because there was a festival going on. It was fun. A local yoga place had a little session for the kids, and both Micah and Sofia did great! I think I will sign Micah up for a yoga class - he had it in preschool, and really enjoys it. Sofia's class will come back in the fall.
Oh, and I got word that Sofia made it into the Adaptive PE class at the local Gymnastics place for the summer. Yeah! only 7 sessions, Wednesday afternoons, but I think it'll be a great start. I'm not worried about her physically doing the stuff, but she definitely needs the smaller class for attention. Plus I get to go in with her.
Today we are headed over to the day school for a concert (Shira Klein); I have to "work" the MWJDS info table. This afternoon, not sure. There's a Jewish history exhibit in Cambridge, a fair at a Natick public school, some museums in Worcester, or a soggy walk at the Audobon Society. Then tonight, a shiva call (with girlfriends, so maybe some refreshments afterwards).
4 months ago
wow girl, you make me tired!
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