That's my kids. After being up with Sofia three nights in a row, with a continuous fever and drippy nose, I finally took her to the pediatrician yesterday morning. Yup, strep. Quick-test didn't even take 5 minutes.
So meds for her. Monday was still rough, since she still had a fever, wouldn't eat or drink, and complained of a tummy ache and that her mouth hurt. But we got a good nap in (together) before picking up the boys.
This morning, Micah was coughing like crazy and complaining of a "spicy" feeling in his throat. We took Sam (tired and still stuffy-nosed) to school, ran some errands until the peds office opened, got an appointment for 10:15. When I'd dropped off Sam, his teacher was outside, and had mentioned that he had been really droopy yesterday, so I picked him up at 10 and took them all to the appointment.
Mellow mellow kids. Sam was practically asleep on my shoulder, Sofia lounged on my lap, and Micah sat somewhat quietly reading a book. The nurse said "yup, they MUST be sick - you do NOT have mellow children!"
So we do quick-tests for both boys, and both tests are somehow negative! But when the doc finally came in (she spends plenty of time with each patient, which I really love, but it means she was already running an hour late!), she took a look.
When she looked at Micah's throat, she actually let out a yelp! His throat looked awful.
Sam's throat looked ok, but the sinuses were still a mess.
So meds for both of them (and of course each child is on something different!), and we all came home to rest.
But I still had a babysitter scheduled, so when she arrived, I took off for Holy Cross to try to get some files I REALLY REALLY need for my masters project. This time I was successful (last time, I'd downloaded everything to the wrong drive!). Got about 90 articles. Now I just have to read them...
Tomorrow, all my medicated children are going back to school, hopefully feeling much much better. Whew!
Hanukah has meanwhile been mellow but fun. The kids have enjoyed their gifts. I got the boys the three prequel Star Wars DVDs on Saturday night, and tonight, Micah got "magic" cards (something like Yugioh) and Sam got "The Handbook of Immaturity Part 2" (like he needs a book for that!). Yesterday, I gave Sofia the tea-set, and she couldn't stop playing with it today! She is so cute, pouring "tea" and serving cakes. Ah, I finally have a real girl!
So Happy Hanukah eveyrone.
4 months ago
Hope the kids are feeling better now! Mine just got out of school today for winter break. They go back January 5th. I am hoping we can just be lazy around the house for most of it!
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