Sofia is home with me, and the boys get out at 11:30 this morning. Taking them, and 5 other girls and an infant and two mommy friends out to lunch. Then R and her hubby coming for dinner tonight. David and Sam were supposed to go see Avatar at 5pm, but it's sold out. They will go next week instead.
Tomorrow, going to hang out at N's house. Saturday, friends to our house. Sunday, if weather is ok, my parents are coming up; if not, they will come Monday instead. And I totally forgot I have a bridal shower Sunday afternoon - will probably take my mother with me.
Then 3 days of mostly no plans. Ugh! Two families coming for New years Eve. Ok, I can make it through the week, right?
Trying to work on my thesis. I get a little depressed reading some of the religious laws regarding what people with various disabilities can or cannot do. There are distinctions for physical vs. mental disabilities, which makes sense. I feel like I have soooo much reading still to do, and I'm starting to think I have no idea what to write about, even though I already submitted my proposal. Ugh.
Sofia is talking so much more now. Yesterday at her gymnastics class, there were only 2 other girls, and I really loved watching the three of them play together. The other two kept calling Sofia to play with them. At one point, Sofia and K were in the ball pit, taking turns burying each other, without any adult assistance. I was so proud of her!
Micah cleaned out his junk drawer last night, and found some teeth the tooth fairy had not collected. He asked that the tooth fairy please leave extra money under his pillow, and was disappointed when there was no money this morning. I explained that the tooth fairy does not double-pay, and although she may not have collected the teeth, her records show that she has paid in full. He was not amused.
Sam and I watched a PBS special last night about the Helvetica typeface. TOTALLY design-geeky, but we were both fascinated.
Ok, I have to go plan some meals...
Best wishes for a happy holiday to everyone celebrating tonight and tomorrow.
4 months ago
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