I had to take Sofia in to Boston Children's Hospital (the Waltham office) yesterday for her Orthopedics chechup. Children with Down syndrome are at a higher risk of something called Atlantoaxial Instability. She'd had her first screening at age 2.5, and everything was clear, but they wanted a recheck now at 5 years. So we went.
And, as I posted on Facebook, there is something liberating about being at Children's. In "real" life, I am always somehow aware that Sofia has Down syndrome. It happens in tons of little ways. Being aware that her speech is not so clear, and that I have to translate most of what she says, and that she does not say as much as her friends. Being aware that she is very very small for someone her age. Being aware of being so proud of everything she does!
But at Children's, EVERY child is unusual. Every child has something special that in the outside world would make them stand out somehow. And Every adult there is completely used to seeing special children.
I wasn't really aware of how stressful it is to be out and about with Sofia. I am so proud of her, so madly in love with her, so amused byt her, so used to her unusual ways. But walking around Children's, I experienced this really odd feeling of relief. It was nice. (And I got to see a one-year-old with DS, and totally oooh and ahhh over her!).
The appointment itself was...tricky. She needed to have xrays of her pelvis and neck. At 2.5 years, it wasn't too bad. She wasn't very mobile yet. But now....it took three adults to hold her while the forth adult snapped the xray. It was a real work-out. She is one STRONG and STUBBORN little girl!
But she is completely clear of any AAI issues, and has doctor sign-off saying she can participate in things like Special Olympics when she is old enough. Whew.
We have to go back Monday for Cardiology check-up, which was supposed to be the following week, but there was a scheduling screw-up.
This week has been LLLLOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG. The boys finished school at noon on Tuesday. Our babysitter met us at school, and took Micah and Sofia home to play, while I drove Sam and some classmates to A's house for a party. I got to hang with two of my dearest friends, which was great.
After the party, I ran home to get Micah, and then met my friends at The Farm. They have all been participating in Farm Shares for several years now, but this was the first year I was brave enough to try it. I was supposed to have a 1/4 share, with R having the other 1/4 and H the other full 1/2. But I had SOOOOO much fun! We had to pick strawberries and herbs, and Sam picked garlic scapes, and then I got to collect all the greens. I've been eating yummy salads, and I made spinach quiche. Tonight is bok choy stir fry, with Swiss chard and onions. Yum!
So I promptly offered to buy R out of her 1/4 share, and she very promptly agreed! Yeah! Micah, having had a lot of earth and growing related topics over the last two years, is an enthusiastic farmer, so he had a blast, too. Sam is more of a city boy, but he had fun too.
My sister is on her way up now with her family. Dinner, and then the twins will sleep over while Melissa and Adam rest quietly in a hotel, so Adam can run a road race tomorrow in the next town from here.
Yesterday and today Micah spent most of the day with his buddy B, swimming in B's nanny's pool, while I took Sam and Sofia on lots of pre-camp errands. This afternoon, we all went swimming in J's pool, which was fun. Now home to cook. David returns tomorrow - yeah!!!
I had the oddest dream last night - I was attending services at Young Israel in Brookline. I have not been there since it was rebuilt after a fire many years ago, and in the dream, they had built an enormous men's section and forgotten about the women's section. We got a handful of folding chairs under the staircase. But many of my friends were there (both men and women), and for some reason they were celebrating a fake Passover seder. It was strange.
Ok, time to cook!
4 months ago
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