Yesterday was my birthday. And birthdays are always a good opportunity to reflect.
I am SOOOOO lucky.
I am SOOOOO happy.
I am SOOOOO loved.
I have a wonderful husband. Terrific children whom I adore. Loving family. And amazing friends.
On Facebook, I received well over 85 messages wishing me a happy birthday. The whole Landscape of My Life came into sharp focus. Sweet messages from people all over the world, people who have been part of my life a long time or a short time, people who knew me "when" or know me now. But all people who cared enough to stop a moment and wish me a happy birthday.
I am happy with who I am. I like what I do (ok, it would be nice to get paid for it, but I'm lucky to be able to indulge). I like how I act. I even like how I look.
I like to smile.
I am so grateful to have such a WONDERFUL life, and to have so many WONDERFUL people in it!
(And it wasn't any kind of special activity day, really. After dropping off the boys, Sofia and I had coffee with my dear friend H, then grocery shopping and then home for a while. Got her to school, ran another errand, worked out, worked on the computer until boys got home. Picked up Sofia, off to a makeup gymnastics class for her and then makeup Tae Kwan Do class for the boys, then out to dinner. David met us for dinner, and the tab was picked up - by surprise - by his friend who happened to be at the same restaurant.)
Stay safe on the roads, everyone (especially those in snow, but heck, stay safe even without snow!). Expecting another snow day tomorrow - had Friday off too.
4 months ago
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