First, Remembrance: I attended the funeral of Herb Ginsberg yesterday morning. Herb was the grandpa of a kid in Micah's nursery school class, and I got to know him well during two years of preschool drop-off. He took care of his grandson most weekdays, since his daughter, a single mom, works full time. Herb was a delightful man, a member of my shul, and I was so glad to get to know him. The funeral was as lovely as he was. The rabbi who officiated was a cousin of his and a dear friend, so it was a very moving eulogy. The weather was gorgeous, as a fitting send-off for this wonderful man. I will miss him.
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Next, Recipe: I hit upon a big winner last night, Passover Cheese Lasagna. In my normal cooking mode, I found a recipe, and then added to it as needed. Here's (I think) what I eventually did:
Into the Mini-Prep (my tiny one-cup Cuisinart for Passover), throw the following (or whatever else might be available:
- Carrots
- Leeks
- mushrooms
- broccoli
- green pepper (foams up nicely!)
- parsley
- dill (doesn't chop well, but the flavor was nice)
- some cherry tomatoes
That took several rounds in the mini-prep. Chop it all up really fine. Toss it all into a frying pan with some oil. Saute.
Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix:
- 1 egg
- about 8 oz sour cream
- 1 package Farmer Cheese
- some salt and pepper
- some tomato sauce
(yes, I don't measure! Sorry. I cook by instinct.)
Stir it up, and add in the veggies. Stir more.
Now take a baking dish. put a small layer of the goop on the bottom of the dish, and then make layers - wet a piece of matza and put it in the dish, top with goop, wet another matza, etc. I think I did about 6 layers.
The recipe I'd looked at said 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Of course I didn't have patience for that (I started cooking late). So I cooked in the over about 20 minutes, then microwave 10, then about 5 more in over.
The boys each had 3 helpings!!!!!
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Today is relaxing day. I got a massive migraine last night, and fell asleep before David got home. Sofia was still awake (she was watching "Chocolat", the lovely movie with Johnny Depp).
This morning, Micah has a friend over from school. They've taken a break from playing Pokemon to go watch a Pokemon movie. The kid's mom is going to come over later for a playdate with me, yeah!
At 4 we have to go meet another of Micah's friends at a playground in Wayland. It's a good spot, because it's a nice playground for all three of my kids - plenty to do, and well shaded.
I'm also hoping to have Sam try on all his clothing today, so I can see what doesn't fit anymore.
Sofia is watching Signing Times again. And again! ARGH! Who has the &*%^ frog??????
4 months ago
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