"BoyKa" is Sofia's name for her brothers - together. "Boy" is Sam (he calls her "Girl"), and "Ka" is short for Micah. Sometimes she will say the two names with a distinct pause between, but most often she says it as one word - BoyKa. Rhymes with Troika.
I just spent over an hour working on Micah's birthday invitation with him. I have worked for some pretty particular bosses, but he takes the cake! Exacting standards about font, point size, picture placement, wording, and even background color! I think the invitation came out pretty cute - it's got a whole collage of pics of him through his long 8 years (I don't want to post it, 'cause it has our address and my phone on it).
But all this for just 5 kids?! I'm nuts.
Busy busy day for Sofia today. She had to come with me to drive the boys, since David is away, and then she played in the cafetorium while I had a Recruitment Committee meeting. Then I took her to school. (I rested and then went around town hanging up posters). She stayed for lunch, and I had to pick her up a few minutes early. Off to Temple Beth Am for their Yom Tov program.
That was neat. She went to them last year, and that was usually the only time she saw these particular kids. This year, almost all the same kids in her age group returned (and the older ones are off to kindergarten). She fit right in, and had a blast playing with her friends and joining the party. It starts first in the chapel with the rabbi and cantor doing songs and a story about the holiday. The rabbi does a funny chant called "thumbs up" which Sofia loves - in fact, she calls the whole program "thumbs up".
After the program with the clergy, it's off to the social hall for a craft, then a snack, and then some running around. This time, since there were all the extra chairs set up for the High Holidays, the kids had a blast running through the maze of chairs.
It was so nice to see her fit right in.
We took a nice drive to waste 20 minutes, and then it was off to "Monkey Gym" (the mascot of the My Gym franchise is a monkey). It's a drop-off class, and I decided she would be much better off if I stayed away. And I was right. She did great! (And I hung up more posters).
Raced out of there to pick up the boys from school, then back to bring them to their therapists. I started getting a bad migraine around then, so Sofia and I had a snack and then waited in the car for them.
Back home, Micah gave me a nice back rub (apparently I owe him another dollar now) while Sam played with Sofia. Then supper (yum - since no David and no vegetarian babysitter tonight, I could actually make some beef!!!), baths, more playing, and I put Sofia to sleep while the boys were still cleaning up.
5 months ago
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