Well, that was nice. This evening, after Tae Kwan Do, I took my boys out for sushi, since Sofia was home with the sitter. It had been a long day for all - after school, Sam and I had gone to the OCD doctor while Micah waited, and then we stopped for ice cream and homework before class.
Anyway, we were sitting at a table in the front room, which is also next to the small bar. There was a gentleman sitting at the end of the bar, right near us, through most of our dinner. As we were finishing our meal, he suddenly leaned over and handed me his card.
"Excuse me, but I couldn't help listening to you with your kids. You are terrific with them!"
We went on for more discussion (he's a portrait photographer, hence the business card). But it was so nice to get a parenting compliment. He was impressed with our conversation, and my apparent patience with all their endless questions and comments.
That felt so nice.
I love being a mommy, especially (of course) when the kids are good. And yes, even when they are not so good, I'm still glad I'm a mommy... But I really do love hearing what they have to say, helping them explore the world and digest new ideas.
We were actually having a long conversation about Micah's upcoming birthday. For the past several years, his party has been at a local arcade, which has a party room and decent prices. But he does not want to go there again this year (too much repetition, I think he's getting bored there). And school has a policy, because the school is so small, that you have to either invite 1) the whole class, 2) all kids of same gender in the class, or 3) only one kid.
Since Micah has a combined first and second grade class, that's 10 boys right there, and he is friends with 5 out of 8 of the third grade boys. So that's 18 before we even get to non-school friends (another 8). Then there was the discussions about brothers (could he only invite one but not the other) and specific kids in his class who he's not as close to. And outside friends who SHOULD be invited, even though he prefers to play with them one-on-one instead of in a group.
So it was an interesting discussion, filled with talk about shalom bayit (peace in the house) and being a good friend.
He eventually decided that he really justs wants a sleep-over party, with only 1 kid from his class, one from the 3rd grade, and 3 outside friends. So that was MUCH easier!
Good day overall. David drove Sofia to school again, which meant I could go in and read with Micah (his class has free reading at the beginning of each day, and parents are invited to join), and then I went for a nice walk around Cushing Park. Sofia and David and I went out for lunch, too, because he left this evening for Chicago for a few days. I got a migraine after lunch, and managed to nap while Sofia watched a movie (except for every 10 minutes when she would attempt to wake me up). Sitter arrived at 2:00, which left me enough time to get gas for the car and coffee for the migraine before picking up the boys.
And now they are all asleep (or at least almost sleeping but in their own room), and I can sort through the gigantic pile of papers on my desk...
4 months ago
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