Been wanting to blog all week, just never had the chance.
Sunday's party was lovely. I posted a page of photos HERE. I didn't stop moving the entire time, between greeting people, telling the catering staff what to do (they seemed rather inexperienced!) and taking my turn chasing Sofia. Whew. But Mom was very surprised by some of the people who were there, folks from Florida that she would never have expected.
My father and sister had vetoed my menu recommendations, and not only was there a (non-kosher) turkey carving station, but there was HAM at the omelet bar! But I think maybe David and I were the only ones bothered by that (although even Mom said she was surprised by it!).
After the party, we went back to Melissa's house for a while, and David went for a quick visit to his grandmother. Then we stopped at Rein's Deli (famous stopping place on Route 84) for dinner, and got home around 9pm.
Nothing much Monday. I got to work out, and have a long talk at the gym with one of my dearest friends. Also learned from her that another friend has breast cancer, which SUCKS. Big time.
Tuesday, I was SOOOO aggravated and wound up, but I'm not sure why. Probably a combination of hormones and traffic. There are at least 6 major construction sites between our house and the boys' school this month! But after I dropped Sofia at school, I went to my friend H's house, and we worked on the Yearbook for a few hours (she's the business manager for the project, I do the layout). And I just really like hanging out with her.
Afternoon was better, too. Left Sofia home with sitter (actually, Sofia kicked me out when sitter arrived). Got boys, but Micah went home with H's son for a while, so I took Sam to Panera for a salad and we worked on his Torah project together. It was nice. Then Tae Kwan Do, and I took the boys to TGIFridays. Yummy salmon salad with Jack Daniels sauce! And before we left, we got to see our pediatric gastrointerologist and his wife and son - we have not seen him in a couple of years.
I have had a few instances recently of meeting our medical professionals out of the office, and I think it's probably really unusual that, in all cases, we are greeted with hugs and kisses!
Yesterday morning, I led the Whimsical Wednesday program at the day school. My little buddies who have been attending all year are finally totally comfortable with me, and I got big hugs from the kids when they arrived and when they left. Then I raced to pick up Sofia and hand her over to the mom of one of her gymnastics friends; she went with them to gym, and then was picked up by another friend.
While she was at gym, we had Sam's IEP meeting. Whew. He's making really good progress with reading - last year he was at a DRA of 20, and how he is at 40, which is way more than expected - but we still need to work on his expressive language and figure out the correct assistive technology, so he can work more independently. Good meeting. And I always bring a picture of Sam to put on the table, so we can all keep him in mind!
Last night were were visited by two medical students from Operation Housecall. This program brings third year med students to the homes of families with special needs, and the students get to see what real life is like for us. Well, Micah was incredibly bouncy, and Sofia was copying every move he made, and Sam was showing off as well, so it was a fairly raucous evening. Good for them to see how "normal" we are ;)
Finally have good feedback from my Rabbinics professor about my paper; need to finish it NOW!
Happy Mother's Day to all!
4 months ago
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