I've been on a Torchwood kick. For those not in the know, Torchwood was a spin-off from Dr. Who. I found all 3 seasons on-line, although I can only access it for 72 minutes at a time before it bounces me out for an hour. Deep dark scifi mysteries. Fun stuff.
Miss Sofia is finally booked in at the CHildren's Hospital DS clinic for older kids, in September. Angela, who runs the clinic, also set us up with an eye doctor who specializes in strabismus (can't even find the proper spelling in the dictionary, sorry!).
Saw a nifty photo yesterday of Sammy at camp, wearing tefillin! Really proud of him for trying it. Can't wait to hear what he has to say.
Micah's unit at camp had Crazy Hair Day today, so I put green and blue spray in his hair and teased it all up - and he hated it so much we had to wash it all out right before we left to catch his bus! This is the kid who has NEVER EVER participated in things like Pajama Day, so I wasn't really surprised. I just wish he would lighten up a bit.
Off for a swim with friends (and Sofia). Had a meeting at the day school this morning; it was nice to see people
4 months ago
Matt had strabismus in both eyes, which was diagnosed when he was around 3. He started with glasses (since you can't patch both eyes). When the prescription required to correct the strabismus became so strong that it was interfering with his vision he had surgery. That was 5 years ago. Now his eye muscles are fine & he's inly near-sighted in one eye.
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