Whew - what a busy few days it's been. On Friday, I was lucky to have a Girl's Day in Ogonquit Maine with J & D. I left Sofia home with the babysitter, and M dropped Micah at his bus stop in the morning. I also arranged dinner for David and D's family, and Micah had a sleepover at another friend's house.
So the three of us girls met at 8:45 and drove up together. J had a quick errand at the bank (they are building a vacation home up there), so D & I went over to the antique store for a while. We all had fun (J met us there) roaming around looking at the stuff.
Then we parked, and walked the ocean-view walk along the cliffs. It was much hotter than I'd planned - the sweat was just dripping down! We stopped for lunch, and then shopped our way back to the car. The stores were all the typical beach-side crafts and clothing and things. I bought a pair of flip-flop earrings, and cute mermaid hangar for Sofia's room, and a little glass heart for David.
Then we got our beach gear and headed for the water. When we got to the beach, there was barely any room to put our stuff - it was so crowded - but around 5pm people started leaving, and we stayed until nearly 7. It was lovely. The water was cold, but it felt good to rinse off the sweat, and there was a nice breeze. I actually fell asleep for a while, which was much needed.
After dinner, we changed clothing again and had a lovely dinner. We got back to Framingham around 10:30 - I slept in the car most of the way home - and then I drove D home. It was so nuce to get away!
Saturday, we all miraculously slept until after 8am - probably because Micah was not there to wake us at 6:15! (Oh, and because the family where he was staying over had called at 4am - he had a terrible tummy ache - but then he was ok).
We got up, dressed, and went to shul for a while. Poor Sam wanted to play with The Boys, but this gang of boys who are his age just are not well-behaved, and their parents don't make them do anything, and Sam's had problems with them before (there are two brothers who can get a bit rough, and they have actually punched Sam before). So I just don't want him hanging out with them. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of other kids his age, but when we got into services, he did find another friend, a girl from his school class, so he was content. And Miss Sofia loves to stay in babysitting, so I actually had a nice time sitting with the adults for a change.
We went home, had lunch, changed clothing, and then headed to Sudbury to pick up Micah. We ended up staying and talking for several hours (the older brother is one of Sam's best buddies from school, too, and the parents are both friends of ours). It was a lovely afternoon.
And it kept being lovely, because when we left their house at about 4:15, we went to Concord. We had ice cream, and took a long walk, all the way up to the North Bridge and the Old Manse (where the "Shot Heard Round The World" happened - the start of the Revolution!). It was a beautiful day. Of course Micah couldn't walk all that way, so we took turns holding Sofia and Micah rode in the stroller a lot.
We had a very nice dinner in Concord, and got home after 9pm.
On Sunday, we got out of the house around 9am, and went down to CT. We picked up my inlaws and went to a New Britain Rock Cats baseball game. Now, I have no patience for spectator sports, I think Baseball is the most boring "sport" on earth, I hate sitting in the sun, and my relationship with my inlaws is....well, interesting....
But I really had a nice time! Before we even went into the stadium, I attempted to donate blood. I got all the way through all the screening and paperwork, got on the table, sat there while she got all the collection materials ready. Then she stuck the needle into my one good vein ... and used too big a needle. The blood started for a moment, and then the bruise formed and they couldn't get anything else out of me. Sigh. And my other veins are all smaller, so they didn't even want to try, because they only have the one size needle on the Red Cross buses.
Oh well. I went into the stadium and met up with my family - and we got to sing and dance to a SteveSongs concert! Yeah! Sofia and I had a blast. I'm a SteveSongs groupie - the music is so bouncy. I think Sam is a little too old to enjoy himself, and Micah had a more fun eating than dancing.
During the game, I spent a lot of time walking around, taking the boys to the gift shop or getting Sofia ice cream or just people-watching. I also spent a long time sitting in the shade with my father-in-law. We actually had a decent conversation, mostly about David and the boys.
We were there all day - it was a very long game. Then we went to dinner, and got home around 9:30.
Sam started summer school this morning - he was so excited to ride his bike to school! Now David and Sofia and I are going to run some errands...
4 months ago
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