It's tough to blog when nothing is really going on. Let's see, this week brought more sinus infections (Micah last weekend, then Sam stayed home all 3 days, then me since Wednesday, and Sofia a bit since Thursday).
I get my thumb stitches out tomorrow. And maybe some meds for the sinus infection?
I am still going to the gym!!!! AND I have been recording my caloric intake, using the iPhone app LoseIt, recommended by a friend. Easier to lose weight when sick, since I did not feel like eating much.
I'm going to get an ulcer prepping for next weekend's day school Shabbaton at my shul. Somehow I became the point person from both sides. All the work, none of the power. And I'm dreading it, since it's not only the day school Shabbat together, but also the Religious school's Family Service. It is going to be a zoo. And the caterer calls me every ten minutes.
Took the boys and Micah's friend to see 'Tooth Fairy" today. I really liked it! Sofia stayed home with her babysitter.
Yesterday after shul we spent the whole day at my friend D's house, and Friday we had Shabbat dinner at my other friend D's house. Both terrific times.
Sam made "numchucks" out of knit gloves, tennis balls, and a bungy cord. It's interesting and frightening.
Sofia seems to be growing taller every day. I cannot believe how big she is getting! More stubborn by the minute, too!
Yesterday at D's house, Sofia stuck a Wii disc into the computer/DVD player. I had to take the whole thing apart, and my poor girl had a complete hissy fit! She was screaming and crying. It was bad enough when we started moving the machinery around, but when I took the cover off the computer and pulled out the disc drive, she was sobbing so hard. She does not usually get so upset; it was fascinating to see. Once we put everything back together, we had to watch a few minutes of "Little Bear" on Sprout to calm down.
David is still in Florida, spending the weekend helping his folks clean up Grandma Toby's apartment. No one has been down there in a few years, so much repairing needed, but they found a plumber right away and bought a new refrigerator today.
5 months ago