Our beloved and wonderful Occupational Therapist/Team Leader, J., just informed me that he and his family are moving to Florida in June! I'm heartbroken - and really really nervous. J. has been with us since Sofia was 3 weeks old. He meets us twice a week, and has taught me so much about how to help my daughter achieve all her incredible goals. He is a teacher, a friend, and a terrific person.
We'll still have K.., our Speech Therapist, and T., our Developmental Therapist (they are both wonderful, also), and they'll get us a good OT (personality issues have already been discussed at the office, so I will not get assigned to W. - whew!). But John has been our anchor from the very beginning. I'm so nervous about the future!
Ok, just got off the phone with Sam's therapist. Whew. Sammy's a sensitive kid, and flies off the handle at the slightest provocation. But he "uses the time well" in his sessions, meaning he is able to communicate his feelings, either verbally or through play, and they work out some possible behaviors.
Right now, he's upset about going back to the camp he went to last summer, especially
since Micah is going to a different (larger) camp. I think he does not like the long ride in M's car, but he doesn't realize that Micah's bus ride will be even longer. And he's totally not remembering how much he liked it last year!
I took Micah to the allergist yesterday for his skin. She thinks it was either a contact dermatitis, from sun or sunscreen, or allergic reaction to the different molds and pollens in season in FLA this time of year. So I'm slathering him with his Mometasome and Bactroban, and giving him Tavist in the morning and Benadryl at night.
Just cleaned up the house in preparation for the cleaning ladies...now I have to go feed Sofia, who is rattling the stair gate like an angry prisoner.
4 months ago
We were informed last week that Joey's OT is leaving us too, we're heartbroken as well. It's hard once you get attached to someone!
I am just overwhelmed with how much J. has helped us over the past two years, and I can't imagine celebrating the next year of milestones without him. He's earned the right to be as proud of Sofia as we have.
I remember the day when Aviva's PT told us she no longer was going to be working with us...it was sad...I thank her because I believe that is why Aviva started walking. They become like family!
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