Here is the difference in personalities between Sam and Micah. They each have a little mp3 player that I got them for Hanukah. They both customized their own playlists (boy, THAT was a fun 4 hours!). They usually get to listen to them in the car, especially on the way to school or on long drives.
Yesterday, Sam was listening to his, and extolling the virtues of Kenny Loggins' "House at Pooh Corner". Sweet. He even sings along, complete with vocal slides.
Micah, in the back row, meanwhile starts singing what he is listening to:
Give it to me, baby, u-huh, u-huh
Give it to me, baby, u-huh, u-huh
And all the girls say
I'm pretty fly for a white guy!
Yup that's my 6 year old, singing Offspring songs. Then he did move on to Grover (from Sesame Street), though!
Today was fun. Sofia had her first Physical Therapy appointment. I have to take her to the school near David's office, which will be nice on days when David is actually in his office. Today, I just went to a cafe for a cup of tea while I was waiting.
Sofia slept all the way through the Rabbi's staff meeting (which I had to attend on behalf of my Early Childhood Education Committee, regarding those Friday night dinners I am always running).
School photos came in at the day school, and I got a nice surprise. As the organizer of the photos (i.e. the one who made contact with the company), I get one set (with all 3 of my kids, since Sofia was with me that day) for free! I love this photography company, Slayton Studios, 421 Broadway, P.O. Box 856, Monticello NY 12701, (845) 794-6270. I can't even find their website now, although I know I saw it a few months ago. The owner, Joseph Slayton, is a nice guy, and he personally gets on the phone with you to coordinate your school or camp photos. They send a local photographer, who works for the company and has gone through their standards. The photographers in this area are terrific. For the 3 years he was in nursery school, the ONLY photos I had of Micah actually smiling were from Slayton!
I have been thinking more about Sofia's school. I guess the really good thing about being "shocked" by the transition from EI to preschool is that I was REALLY REALLY happy with the services we got from EI. I am sure that when Sofia graduates from preschool and we transition to kindergarten, I'll be just as out-of-sorts!
5 months ago