Renee over at Life with My Special K's has tagged me.
The rules are to link the person who sent this to you and leave a comment on their blog so their readers can visit yours. ~Post the rules on your blog~ Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself~ Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog~ Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here are my 7 strange/weird things:
1. I planned my own "surprise" birthday party when I was 16 - my family and my best friend were the only ones who knew it wasn't really a surprise.
2. I am an absolute freak for proofreading, and typos make me cringe. (That's not to say I'm not as guilty of making them as the next person...)
3. Although I despise flying bugs, I try my hardest to just FREEZE, because my natural tendency is to scream!
4. It is almost impossible to actually embarrass me, since I am more likely to be the one doing the embarrassing thing in the first place. (Don't feel like this is a challenge, please!)
5. I find it easier to sleep when there is light and noise than when there is dark and quiet. (This was a big problem freshman year of college...)
6. After my cleaning ladies have been to my house, I like to walk from room to room just breathing in the sense of CLEAN for a moment. (Then my kids show up, and it's all over).
7. Renee wrote "7. I was kicked out of ballet when I was 3... the instructor told my mom I should pursue interests that don't require too much coordination." Well, I was not kicked out, because, although I was indeed the least coordinated child in the class, I was also the only one who could memorize all the steps! The teacher kept putting me in the front row, where I could be really terrible but the other girls could follow my lead, gracefully.
Ok, now I get to Tag 7 bloggers:
Amy at The Flege Farm
Dori at The Ups and Downs of Our Life
Terri at SAM - Samuel Aidan M.
Tom at Narrow Ridge
Julie at It's Mina's World, We Just Live In It
Kitty at Nathaniel's Neighborhood
Peet at Pixel Rust
4 months ago
Fun list.. And eye here yu about typos; i hat thm to.
Guess I'm it.
LOL glad I'm not the only un-coordinated one out there!
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