Well, that's the problem with being born in NY and growing up in CT...you tend to have to split allegiances when it comes to sports. Mind you, I DON'T CARE one iota about football (or baseball, or basketball, or even hockey, although at least in hockey I can tell who is winning). But David has raised Sam to be a Giants fan...and Micah, being Micah, is a Patriots fan. Uh.
We went to my friend R's house for a Superbowl party yesterday afternoon, and watched the first half of the game there. Well, Sam and the other adults watched the game. I stayed in the kitchen, doing my homework, looking up when the commercials came on, and Micah was upstairs watching Scooby Do.
We left after half-time, and when we got home, David and the boys cuddled into our bed to watch the end of the game. Sam was soooo excited that the Giants won, but poor Micah was plain angry!
Before we went to the party, I had taken the boys over to the local elementary school (where Sofia will be going in a few weeks!), and Micah learned how to ride his bike!
We'd removed training wheels in the fall, but hadn't practiced much. I helped him all the way over to the school, but once we got there, he took off. I'm so proud!
In the morning, Sofia and I went to another Tot program from the Jewish special needs agency. It wasn't as bad as last year (when they'd told the Purim story incorrectly!). But it was still nothing special, and really not worth a 45 minute drive each way.
However, after the class, I was introduced to a deaf rabbinical student, who was there tutoring a deaf bar mitzvah student, and that was TOTALLY worth the trip. We discussed resources for religious signs.
Miss Sofia has a head cold now. She's got goop in her eyes and nose, and is just not feeling great. But she still argued with her speech path about pictre cards, and she just sat on the potty for about 20 minutes, dismissing me from the room with a wave and a 'bye' after I handed her a square of toilet paper. Very funny.
I cannot believe she is about to turn 3! The Speech Path and I were almost in tears when we mentioned it, and we both agreed to just not talk about it instead! Now I'm going to go through all the EI Progress Notes from the past 3 years...
3 months ago
I'm not a huge football fan either (soccer is another matter) but did enjoy last night's game with my folks. One year when the Packers played the Broncos, my dad wore a Packers sweatshirt and Broncos jacket. He got a lot of comments.
Not sure how to placate both Sam and Micah. :)
I watched those GIANTS and I was very happy. Aviva was in bed and yelled at me for being loud but did ask if they won!
WTG Micah...
Your little princess sure is strong willed..she reminds me of someone I know very well...Aviva!
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