My older son, Sam, has dyslexia, and he qualifies to attend the summer school program in our town. During the school year, he goes to a our local Jewish Day School, so he's not usually with the kids from our town that much.
This summer, he is having so much fun, making lots of friends. This is his third week, and every week, he's got new friends.
So this week, he's been talking about this girl, C. Every day, he comes home all excited, with something new to tell me about C - something always related to him, such as "she has a brother who will be 6 in October, and a sister who is two and a half". Yesterday, it was "C is coming to my school next year, and she's going to be in my class!"
Now, I'm on the recruitment committee for our school, so I think I'd know if there were any new kids from our town ('cause I'd be expected to contact them already!). Last night we had the school Picnic, so I asked the admissions director. She had no idea who this girl could be, there are no new kids from our town coming to the school this year.
Last night, I had a little chat with Sam, telling him that this girl probably just really likes him and wants to tell him things that will make him happy. He was ok with that.
Well, this morning, I walked Sammy up to school, and I got to meet C. She's a lovely, majestic blond-haired girl of about 11 (he's 8). And she has DS!
I was so proud of Sam. He'd never even registered the fact that she had a little something "extra". To him, she is just a really nice girl in his class who he likes to play with.
I get teary-eyed with pride, just typing this!
4 months ago
Folled your link from the comments over at All 4 my Gals and loved your blog very much.
This is a great story to share. How much we can learn from your little guy and his view of the world!
The pic of Sofia in your sidebar (at the piano) is gorgeous :-)
Nice to 'get known to you'
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