After betting his dad $100 bucks that he wouldn't pee in his bed last night, of course Micah peed in his bed (David had the chutzpah to say "Micah, you owe me $100 bucks" to a mostly sleeping child!).
Sam woke up at 3:30 am screaming that he needed help (the bathroom is connected to our bedroom...). I got the gingerale while David sat in the bathroom with him, but David had just about no recollection of the events that followed, so I don't actually know what was wrong.
This morning, both had fever again, as I'd expected. Micah still woke up early, and settled on the couch downstairs (I think he has not moved since!). Sam slept a bit later, and has been in my bed most of the day.
So far Sofia is still not coming down with "it". She had a good day at school. David came home to watch the boys for about an hour until E could arrive and take over. I ran some errands with my friend R. When I got home, I took Sofia for a ride around the block for about 10 minutes so she could fall asleep (yup, she was asleep within 5 minutes!).
Good news - Sam does not have Lyme disease. But apparently the nurse felt that Sofia's thyroid levels were slightly elevated, and we are waiting for the doc to call me about that! Great.
I get to attend the MDSC Leadership conference tomorrow. That should be cool. And I also get to attend the Early Intervention conference in May again. Even though Sofia has already graduated from EI, I can still attend this year as the former Parent Liaison.
4 months ago
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