This morning I heard that one of the kids in the school was sent home early with nits.
At 2:00, I put my phone in my purse while I attempted to have Sofia participate in a My Gym class (again).
At 2:10 I found 4 messages on my phone, 2 from school and 2 from David.
Sam had nits.
Sam - my anxiety-ridden child.
So I packed up Sofia (forget it, we are not destined to do a Gym class this semester), and raced to the school.
Sam was still freaked out, but calmer than I expected. Micah was just being checked out by the nurse when arrived, and she pronounced him "clear", but we all went home together.
Which pissed off Micah.
So first I had to take all the kids to Target to buy the requisite shampooo and nit combs. And in Target:
- Sam had an anxiety attack
- Micah had a tantrum, and
- Sofia barfed in the shopping cart and then proceeded to climb out of the cart.
It was not so much fun.
I finally got them home. I'd bought a shaver also, so the first thing we did at home was set up in the driveway and shave Sam's head. Not bald, just 5/8". His hair is so thick, it still looks lovely, despite my horrible technique.
Sam showered downstairs while I threw a very poopy Sofia and a calmed-down Micah into a tub upstairs. I also started the laundry pile. Ok, I admit it - we have WAY too many piillows, blankets, and stuffed animals!
I bagged everything I could; later in the evening David took the bags to sit in the basement for a few weeks.
I've done countless loads of laundry already, and I'm not done.
I had to shave Micah, too, since I found not only nits but a live louse! YUCH!!!!!! And shaving Micah was REALLY not fun - he's got a very sensitive scalp (I think that's a side-effect of the allergies), and he was screaming and sobbing and saying "Done" (like Sofia) at the top of his little lungs. My neighbor came out to check.
David didn't get home until after 7pm, but at least he brought sushi (although they had not listened carefully to his order, and they put sesame seeds into the cucumber rolls that were supposed to be for Micah, so I had to make pirogies for him).
Kids were asleep around 9pm, and I ran to the all-night CVS to buy better combs. David and I did each others' hair (nothing, thank heavens!), and we watched "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" while we combed and folded laundry.
I'll keep the boys home tomorrow. Maybe Sofia too, although I didn't find anything on her. I'll check again in the morning.
5 months ago
Oh boy, you wouldn't cope in Israel. Lice is a common occurrence and they do not send kids home from school with it! Cutting their hair short is the best way. You do have to keep checking though for the next week. Have fun :-)
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