Last Friday, Sam had a melt-down when I told him that we would be going to the Sha'arei Shalom Torah dedication and Rabbi Installation that evening. He freaked partially because three years ago he'd had an allergic reaction there and broke out in hives all over his body for several days; partially because the services are held in the Ashland Methodist Church building; and mostly because I didn't give him any advanced warning.
Ok. We talked him through it, and forced him to go to the service. David ended up taking the kids home mid-way through the service because it was so incredibly hot.
Well, let's focus on the "advanced warning" part. Fair enough, usually he knows when we'll be going there (that's the congregation where I am the High Holiday Cantorial Soloist, so he knows that he'll be there for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur evening services [I send David and the kids to our regular shul for the mornings]).
So yesterday I gave him some advanced warning about the change in our Friday morning schedule this year. We'll drive Micah to school, then turn around and drive Sam to the Ashland school where he'll get 30 minutes of "Coping Skills" therapy. I'll drop Sofia at her school, pick up Sam, and get him back to MWJDS an hour late.
Another meltdown: "I DO NOT NEED COPING SKILLS!!!!" (thus proving how badly he does need this!).
So is he the freaky one, for not being able to handle things and for going ballistic at the slightest provocation?
Or is Micah the freaky one: "Dad, why does Sam get so upset about these things? I mean, sometimes I get angry at you, but you are only doing things to help us learn and grow up well."
I got to miss most of the meltdowns and commentary (and arguments with the babysitter - Micah is still lobbying for E's dismissal), because I started attending my own class last night. "Family and Sexuality in Jewish History". Very cool class. The teacher is a history professor at UMASS, and I've taken a few other classes with him; he really knows his stuff.
After class (7 - 9:30), I also went to the Rabbi's house to work on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah's "Family" service outline, so I didn't get home until after 11:30.
This morning, Sam had another melt-down in the car. He's also not feeling great, having a very stuffy nose, so that doesn't help.
While Sofia was playing on the playground at MWJDS, her physical therapist called to tell me that she would be doing Sofia's PT sessions after nursery school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which gives me an extra 30 minutes to myself! But it also put a crimp in our original plan, which was for Sofia to take a 12:45 My Gym class - she fell asleep as we pulled into the parking lot. But I spoke to the gym teacher, and we will instead try a 2pm class.
And since E's class schedule got switched, I had to bring Sofia with me to Tae Kwan Do. I also had an extra girl, classmate of Sam's, plus Micah's piano teacher called in sick, and it was pouring rain. So the three older kdis and I spent a good hour chasing Sofia around TKD until E arrived to take her home. Yikes!
I'm glad I have not started Sam's guitar lessons yet; he's still trying to adjust to the school schedule, and he's tired and cranky by late afternoon.
Oh, check out Beverly Beckham's latest article. Wonderfully said, as usual.
Oh #2: a friend suggested that the rash on Sofia's face looks an awful lot like the rash from a Wheat Allergy! So now I am going to try pulling wheat from her diet for a period of time, and see if that helps. "Cause I needed more food issues in this house, right?
Oh #3: Check out this very powerful video.
4 months ago
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