Monday, September 29, 2008

Shana Tovah

We had the Tashlich program at the boys' school this morning. David took Sofia to school so I would not have to race back and forth, and E picked her up after school in case I didn't make it in time. I dropped the boys at school, ran around doing last-minute errands (like buying a new soup bowl to replace the one Sofia broke on Saturday morning!), then back to school.

The kids did a cute program, including an Interpretive Dance piece by Sammy's class. Very cool. Then we walked in groups down to the river, about 3 blocks away. Each child was to reflect on things they wish for the New Year, things they are sorry for and things they would like to change. It's neat, because they kids write their stuff down, and we hand it back in each year. So we were able to see what they wrote last year!

Then we all gather on the bridge and throw bread-crumbs, sybolic of our individual sins, into the water. Then a walk back up the hill. It's a lovely ceremony (culminating in a blast of the Shofar - my boys both had theirs). But it was horribly muggy and buggy today, so I'm covered with mosquito bites and very uncomfortably warm!

A hearty "Todah Rabah" (thank you) to K from Shuki's (the local Israeli store in Framingham) for the Slippery Elm - it helped a lot!

My deepest wishes to all of you for a happy, healthy and sweet New Year (even if you are not celebrating with us right now!).